Hi Everyone!
Guess what? Lil' blogger is back in action! We have had a fun-filled month full of visitors and excitement and I can't wait to tell you about all of our April adventures! Before we get into April, we rounded out March with Sanjana Foi and Kalpu Dadi (family on Da-da's side) visiting us for a night. I only saw them briefly since it was my bedtime, but it was great to meet them finally.

The month of April started with a bang when Raina Mashi, Parag Masha, Nysa Didi, and Krisha Didi (family on Mumma's side) came to visit us during their spring break. We had tons of fun showing them around. We went to Old Dubai (Bastakiya), Dubai Marina, the Atlantis (well actually I missed that one since it was past my bedtime again), and all four parents went out on the town one night. We also went on a big road trip adventure to Fujairah, another Emirate famous for diving (which is Masha and Mashi's favorite sport). We even got to celebrate Nysa Didi's golden birthday (9th birthday on the 9th), though we missed Anar Mashi on her milestone bday. While it was a hectic few days (Raina Mashi even went to India to see Nana and Nani for a day), it was so great to spend time with the Gandhi clan in Dubai!

As the Gandhis left, Chiku Kaka, Da-da's cousin, arrived the next day for a few days. He overlapped with Aunty Anne (like the pretzels :)) and Uncle Wei-Lin, Da-da's friends from business school, who came to visit us for the weekend on their around-the-world sabbatical. They all went to Nassimi Beach for dinner and drinks on the Palm Atlantis and I joined them at Pier Chic the next day for lunch at Al Qasr. The location of this restaurant is absolutely beautiful against the Arabian Gulf overlooking the Burj Al Arab. That night the Wongs and Mumma and Da-da went to Barasti, a bar on the beach, where they met Tio Edu and Tia Ana as well. On the last day with the Wongs we went to the JBR Beach in crazy heat (I had to be covered at all times) after which they went to Desert Safari and the three of us rested from entertaining all our visitors for 10 days straight! :) We had so much fun with everyone that we needed to recover with a night at home!
The last two weekends have been much more low-key. Mumma and Da-da went to dinner last Thurs with Akshay Uncle and Shailey Aunty (BCG friends) in JBR. On Friday, Mumma, Da-da, and I went to Dubai Mall to get my crib bumpered up since I'm much more active these days and they were a bit nervous. I finally got moved to my own room and as a result am sleeping more or less through the night without being disturbed by my party-animal-parents! HOORAY! We also got swim gear for all three of us since we spent a lot of last weekend swimming laps in our building pool! On Saturday, we all went to Bur Dubai with Shweta Aunty and Vinit Uncle (General Mills friends) and ate at our favorite South Indian hole-in-the-wall restaurant - Venus. Nana would LOVE the dosas there! :) We also got our Indian groceries from there so that Myla could make some yummy bhinda and cauliflower shaaks during the week!

This weekend Mumma and Da-da went out with their friends Ingrid and Nick (whom Mommy met through Gramps Rob from work) to Indigo by Vineet at the Grovesner House. It is the first Michelin-rated Indian restaurant they had ever eaten at and Da-da was very impressed! You all should try it when you're in Dubai if you're into fancy Indian food (personally, I prefer Venus Idlis :)). On Friday, the three of us headed to Bab Al Shams, a resort in the middle of the desert, 45km outside Dubai, to celebrate my 9-month birthday! It was a beautiful place and I saw a camel up close (though he was STINKY!), but it was rainy so I couldn't swim for too long in the pools. We eventually made our way back and today I had my doctor's appt.
Guess what? Lil' blogger is back in action! We have had a fun-filled month full of visitors and excitement and I can't wait to tell you about all of our April adventures! Before we get into April, we rounded out March with Sanjana Foi and Kalpu Dadi (family on Da-da's side) visiting us for a night. I only saw them briefly since it was my bedtime, but it was great to meet them finally.
As the Gandhis left, Chiku Kaka, Da-da's cousin, arrived the next day for a few days. He overlapped with Aunty Anne (like the pretzels :)) and Uncle Wei-Lin, Da-da's friends from business school, who came to visit us for the weekend on their around-the-world sabbatical. They all went to Nassimi Beach for dinner and drinks on the Palm Atlantis and I joined them at Pier Chic the next day for lunch at Al Qasr. The location of this restaurant is absolutely beautiful against the Arabian Gulf overlooking the Burj Al Arab. That night the Wongs and Mumma and Da-da went to Barasti, a bar on the beach, where they met Tio Edu and Tia Ana as well. On the last day with the Wongs we went to the JBR Beach in crazy heat (I had to be covered at all times) after which they went to Desert Safari and the three of us rested from entertaining all our visitors for 10 days straight! :) We had so much fun with everyone that we needed to recover with a night at home!
According to Dr.Karle, my pediatrician in Dubai, I am doing well and meeting all the right milestones. I crawl, stand, clap, squeal in delight, giggle my head off, scream in excitement, and kiss Mumma and Da-da nonstop. Oh, and every now and then, I throw my head back to test my boundaries, and then get in trouble so I'm still deciding if it's worth continuing that behavior. All in all, life is busy but awesome!
Lucky for me, since Mumma's big work change this month has been that General Mills is moving from Jebel Ali to JLT (MUCH closer to our home), they are all currently in temporary offices. This means Mumma gets to work from home a few days a week which is GREAT for me! I get milk from the source instead of the bottle. :) Ain't nothin' better than that! As far as other work developments for Mumma, all I know is that I hear her from my room, driving projects with the US at night and listen to her when she tells Da-da about the challenges and exciting aspects of her brand positioning strategic projects and consumer research studies.
Da-da's big development is that he is planning on going to Saudi Arabia for work soon! I heard him weighing his options and discussing it with Mumma, ultimately deciding that it was best for his career to take the opportunity while here. Mumma is going to make Da-da do some live consumer research in market for her (since she can't go to Saudi very easily as a woman)! Mumma and I will miss him, but again, it will make our weekends that much more special.
That's about it for April. Next month we have some exciting trips planned to the Maldives and to India to see Nani and Nana so stay tuned!