Hi All!
While you would think we would be right on time with our June blog having been around in Dubai for the whole month, it has been crazy busy for me, Mumma, and Da-da so we're late on our entry! We have lots to tell you about so get ready...

June was also a big month for celebrations. My friend Vivaan turned 4 so Payal Aunty and Jay Uncle (Da-da's friend from BCG) threw him a party that Mumma and I went to since Da-da was in Berlin that week for work training. We took the water taxi to Favorite Things in Dubai Marina Mall which may be my "favorite" place with the rocking chairs, sandpit, piano and play gym for babies! I loved it so much that I think I will have my 1st bday party there too a few weeks after my actual bday, post-Ramadan, in August! Also, I think Mumma is convinced I will be a future musician after my debut on the baby piano there which I LOVED!
The second weekend in June, Shweta Aunty (Mumma's closest and very pregnant friend from General Mills MENAT) had a surprise baby shower! While Mumma was planning on going alone, I refused to let her go without me, so I was able to join her at the shower! I had so much fun with all these nice ladies celebrating the arrival of my friend in Shweta Aunty's belly. Meanwhile, JK Dada (Da-da's Masa) was also in town from the UK for a night so I got to meet him as well. While I was worn out from the shower, Mumma and Da-da spent the evening over beers and pizza with him which they enjoyed!

The last week of June was tough because Da-da was in Saudi for the first half of the week like usual and Mumma left the second half of the week for work in India when Daddy returned! While Mumma had a great trip working with her colleagues in the Powai office and spending the limited free time she had with Nana, Nani, Raina Mashi and my Didis who are visiting India for their summer vacation, she was miserable leaving me. And this time, I was really sad to say bye to her too! I moaned, whined, and wouldn't let go of her when she hugged me goodbye. Somehow we made it through, though, and I was in great hands with Da-da! We went to his office, I showed him who was boss, and tried to turn my fruit into lipstick to bring out the inner Diva in me :).
In regards to work, Mumma's commute officially got cut in half this month since General Mills MENAT moved from Jebel Ali to JLT. She also comes home an hour early because UAE law states that breastfeeding mothers can dedicate an hour of the workday to feeding their baby up to 18 months of age! Lucky us! Of course, she logs back on after I go to sleep to work but, hey, if I get more time with Mumma, I'm all for this schedule! She has been working really hard lately and been running back and forth between being there for me and planning a concept development workshop on her Meals initiative with the AMEA regional team, US R&D, and key MENAT marketing folks. I heard her telling Da-da that the workshop went well and she has some actionable ideas she can move forward on as a result. She is also in transition to taking over more responsibility around innovation and geographic expansion on Betty Crocker, the largest brand in this region. While work is becoming more demanding, she is making a concerted effort to ensure it doesn't take her away from spending time with me, so I'm okay with it :) !
Da-da has also continued to have a dynamic work experience here. His project leader training in Germany at the beginning of the month was inspiring and he applied the learning on his work with his team in Saudi. He has continued to work really hard at giving the project his all during the week so he can dedicate time to us on the weekend. When Mumma had to travel for work, he stepped up in Da-da duty and Mumma and I are proud of him for it. We love him so much!
As for me, boy oh boy am I working hard! Though I still have no teeth at 11 months, I am walking all over the place while holding Mumma, Da-da or Myla's hands. I stand a ton and use my walker and bouncer as well! I say Mumma very clearly and very often, sometimes amidst giggles and other times amidst frustration. I also tilt my head right or left to say I love you, shake my head no to say yes :), and kiss on command, whether asked for a kiss in Gujarati or English! If I were to describe my personality in 3 words, I'd say I'm affectionate, happy, and expressive! Even though I'm a baby who can't officially say a lot, I will make my opinion and thoughts known one way or another!!
That's about all I have to say for this month. Next month is a HUGE month for us! Firstly, I am celebrating my one-year birthday early with Nani who is visiting the first weekend in July. Then we are going to Russia, Finland and Sweden for our family holiday where I will have uninterrupted time with my parents (YAY!) as we celebrate my birthday again as well as their 5 year anniversary! Finally, Dada, Dadi, and Chacha are visiting us and celebrating my actual birthday with me in a low-key way since it falls during Ramadan. It will be so fun! I will have my official birthday party after Ramadan in mid-August, which will be a 4th celebration for me falling around my birthday according to Indian calendar. Time to bring on the Birthday Fun!!
While you would think we would be right on time with our June blog having been around in Dubai for the whole month, it has been crazy busy for me, Mumma, and Da-da so we're late on our entry! We have lots to tell you about so get ready...
We spent the month of June living like locals vs extended tourists. What were the implications on our activities, you ask? (By the way, I know you're amazed by my rapidly expanding vocabulary :) )! Instead of fine dining experiences every weekend which was their priority over prior months, Mumma and Da-da had one and often 2 movie dates per weekend in June! We also had some great family time together over the weekends since Mumma and Da-Da were stretched even more thin with work being pretty intense pre-Ramadan. This included early Sat morning swimming dates in our building pool and/or trips to Al Safa Park. And finally, the June Summer Surprises (the second of the two sales periods in a year) took place so we spent ample time at the malls!

Da-da has also continued to have a dynamic work experience here. His project leader training in Germany at the beginning of the month was inspiring and he applied the learning on his work with his team in Saudi. He has continued to work really hard at giving the project his all during the week so he can dedicate time to us on the weekend. When Mumma had to travel for work, he stepped up in Da-da duty and Mumma and I are proud of him for it. We love him so much!
As for me, boy oh boy am I working hard! Though I still have no teeth at 11 months, I am walking all over the place while holding Mumma, Da-da or Myla's hands. I stand a ton and use my walker and bouncer as well! I say Mumma very clearly and very often, sometimes amidst giggles and other times amidst frustration. I also tilt my head right or left to say I love you, shake my head no to say yes :), and kiss on command, whether asked for a kiss in Gujarati or English! If I were to describe my personality in 3 words, I'd say I'm affectionate, happy, and expressive! Even though I'm a baby who can't officially say a lot, I will make my opinion and thoughts known one way or another!!
That's about all I have to say for this month. Next month is a HUGE month for us! Firstly, I am celebrating my one-year birthday early with Nani who is visiting the first weekend in July. Then we are going to Russia, Finland and Sweden for our family holiday where I will have uninterrupted time with my parents (YAY!) as we celebrate my birthday again as well as their 5 year anniversary! Finally, Dada, Dadi, and Chacha are visiting us and celebrating my actual birthday with me in a low-key way since it falls during Ramadan. It will be so fun! I will have my official birthday party after Ramadan in mid-August, which will be a 4th celebration for me falling around my birthday according to Indian calendar. Time to bring on the Birthday Fun!!